Tuesday 27 September 2011

The Power of Prayer

Today we had a lady come in and tell us about different types of prayer that are more than just talking.  I myself have personally never found it difficult or boring to pray, and actually love spending time completely quiet and relaxed just talking to God/listening to God.  To me, prayer is fantastic at this stage in my life.

This lady taught us different methods of prayer like singing our prayers and prayer with scripture and such.  It was cool, and I enjoyed it, but I don't think I have any problem communicating with God the way I do now.

Of course, every other time I've thought that way in the past God has completely proven me wrong.  So we'll see what happens in the future!

Then I discovered a store in the area that sells bolthouse farms smoothies so I was rather excited, and we checked out a sword shop and army surplus...never going to be able to afford any of that while I'm here!  But it's pretty to gaze at and hold I suppose....

I'll see you all tomorrow if this continues to be so consistent :)


  1. All... There's only two of us :P
    And keep these up :)

  2. Isaac,
    the power of prayer has become even more real to me in the last 2 years during my studies and research on God's character, The nature of faith and the power of prayer.

    Like you, I like apologetic studies and in particular evidence external to scripture that confirms God's truths.

    One very good book I have read about the purpose and power of prayer is by Dr. Myles Munroe called "The Purpose And Power Of Prayer". There is a YouTube video about his book: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58EyX3q66tI

    On the research I have done in the area if science, I have seen reports of experiments in in the field of Quantum Mechanics that actually have demonstrated measurable changes in human biology and physiology when one person prayed for someone else or meditated. This occurred on the DNA level regardless how far away that person was from the other person and it happened instantaneously (i.e. no measurable passage of time).
    This effect was multiplied exponentially when large numbers prayed for the same thing.
    The net conclusions of these experiments suggested that Prayers are thoughts directed to God and thoughts are measurable energy with a measurable effect.

    So on a more general sense, the quality of our thought life really does matter, because it has a measurable effect on us as well as the world around us, demonstrated in scientific experiments and confirmed in scripture:
    Phil 4:8 (NIV) "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. "
