Wednesday 16 November 2011


Today was a bit of a rollercoaster day.

We were told we had all morning(from 8AM to 12 AM) to practice for the upcoming JAMM Cafe, but at about 9:50 we found out we only had until 1030, and we hadn't yet finished practicing our entire list of songs due to technical difficulties.  We took a quick break, and I felt rather aggravated because disorganization and miscommunication seem to be the only consistent thing around here--as someone who wants to be getting into film organization and communication are more than key.

After a quick break, however, we came back together and prayed before quickly practicing all our songs all the way through.  I was reminded that we're not doing this for ourselves in the first place; it's for the glory of God.  We went through most of the songs, and it sounded wonderful and I left the sanctuary feeling very joyful and foolish for having gotten so worked up over a little speed bump.

We then watched the last three Floyd McClung videos.  Pretty much all of them summed up his overall point in talking about passion: Christians need to be passionate about God, or they're not really Christians.  How can we say we are in love with God when we only really treat Him like an idea?

Floyd said He is frustrated with Christians who spend their whole life waiting for a calling or a sign from God to go and do His work.  The moment they said they believed God called them.  God may give us different directions at different times, but there's always something we can be doing for Him.  Floyd said that instead of asking God where God wants Him to be, he instead says, "God, I'm thinking about going to this country and helping out with this.  Is that OK?" God pretty much always says, "Yea, I like it!"

As much as Floyd ticked me off yesterday, I couldn't help but get excited about coming home in February.  All I can think about lately is the youth group in Parry Sound.  I am so excited to get back there and start helping out in every way possible for the sake of the youth.  Where do I feel called right now?  Parry Sound.  I felt that way before I left, and I still feel that way now--even more so than before.  I am passionate about the youth in Parry Sound because I know what a hell-hole high school can be in such a small town like that.  I've seen people go through it, and I've been through it myself.  Fortunately I had a Christian family to help me through, but most of the kids in Parry Sound aren't that blessed. 

So yea, I realize that my passion may shift dramatically whilst on outreach, but right now, I believe very passionately that God wants to place me in Parry Sound, because my heart breaks whenever I think about the youth there. 

My parents may read this and think that I'm just excited to be home again and live with my family, and to be honest, I'm considering getting an apartment in town if it's affordable/necessary, so it has nothing to do with you.  I mean that in the nicest way possible :).

Catch you all tomorrow.

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