Tuesday 1 November 2011


When you do kind things for those in need, is it to make yourself better(selfish ambition) or is it because you genuinely care for these people?

We dug more into Philemon and the Epistles today, but there was nothing that we came across which I found to be interesting enough to remember or write down. 

We also watched a documentary on Japan, which only increased our excitement to go there!  We also had a short language session, which was hilarious and mostly disastrous, as Japanese is preposterously different to the English language.

We then proceeded to have small groups, which is where the initial question of this entry was brought up.  I thought it was interesting, and I implore you all to answer the question for yourselves.  Because, to be honest, I kind of feel that if you are simply helping the needy without actually caring, you're not helping at all.  You're simply making them feel more and more insignificant, because your helping them out of pity only makes them feel more pitiful.  Food for thought.

Catch you all tomorrow.

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