Wednesday 30 November 2011

I don't know Anything

I don't know anything, but I know a God who knows everything.

This is the statement that God has given to me and ultimately given me peace about all this knowledge we're getting this week.  Frank is the wisest man I think I have ever encountered--he even tops Sid! 

Frank joined us in our apartment for dinner last night, and he continued to talk about what he had talked about yesterday for the morning lectures, and he went more into detail about the tree of good and evil and the creation of man and how it relates to knowing God before you know anything else.  To be honest, I was so overwhelmed by the information that I simply had to go to God and say, "uh…".  And through processing my thoughts with Marvin and Jess in conversation, God gave us that statement: I don't know anything, but I know a God who knows everything. 

For every thought, decision, or action where there is more than breakfast involved, I will go to God.  Whether it's a big issue, or a little one.  If it's life, it deserves a conversation with God about it.

See, Frank explained to us last night that God said this about the tree of knowledge of good and evil: "They are not READY to eat of this yet".  There was a time coming when God would allow man to eat from that tree.  But He is our father, and His intention was to father us into that time when we were ready to eat.  Frank talked about the fall of man, and how we only use 10% of our brains.  The theory is that Adam used a significantly larger amount of his brain, and had a greater understanding of life than anyone.  Yet, God waited to create Adam on the sixth day for two reasons:

1. Adam was not to know how God created creation.  That was not for him to know.
2. Adam was meant to enjoy the creation and the mystery of it.  If he knew it all, he wouldn't enjoy it as much.

But then Lucifer came along--the most beautiful angel ever created(the original translation of serpent actually meant, "shining one"--and told Adam1 and Adam2 that they could have all the knowledge that was coming NOW, and this was all they had to do: eat this fruit.  They would become like God: they would know the difference between good and evil.

Ever since, that has been the nature of man: to know all things, and to know them now.  All the church has done in the past 100 years is make rules and point out what is good and what is bad.  Before Adam and Eve ate the fruit, nakedness was not good or bad, it was just nakedness. 

Today, if a naked couple walked into a large gathering of people 50% would probably say, "oh, that's good!" and the other 50% would probably say, "oh, this is very bad!".  Not one would think, "huh, they're naked".  Everyone would judge. 

Judgementalism was the first thing we see as evidence of our premature knowledge of good and evil(besides nakedness): "The woman made me do it!" and then, "The serpent made me do it!"

This was not how God intended it.  Right now what I feel like God is constantly showing me is that the gray area is the best area, because our premature understanding of good and evil leads us to think that everything is black and white.  The fact of the matter is that that's simply not how it is.  I don't know for sure that that's not how it is, but that's what God has shown me for my time on earth: stick with the gray area, and ask Him for guidance, counselling, answers, etc.  I don't know anything, but I know a God who knows everything.

I'm not saying there aren't things that are fundamentally wrong, because everyone can agree that there is nothing positive in rape.  But put a philosopher in the situation and he'll show you the gray areas of rape.  And in those situations all I can do is say, "You take this one, God." cuz I don't know!  But He knows, and He'll guide me, because He is 110% loving and 110% faithful to His children.

Frank also explained that people seem to have the illusion that God can't sin.  He can, He just doesn't.  Ever.  Because He knows what sin does.  He knows it grabs hold of you, and God won't give up His freedom.  That's the only thing stopping Him from sinning, because there is no one greater or equal, so no one can hold Him accountable, and no one can call Him out on it, and no one can stop Him.

But that's exciting.  He's immensely greater and more powerful than we will ever be able to comprehend, and whatever He chooses to do no one will EVER be able to stop him.  EVER!!  And yet He chooses to be patient and loving with us, because He loves us too much to give up His freedom.

Going into outreach, I'm going to remember that I don't know anything, but I know a God who knows everything, and that the gray area is exactly where I should be, because that is the easiest way for Him to help me.

Are you willing to admit you don't know anything?

Catch you all tomorrow.

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