Tuesday 29 November 2011

I Never Knew You

"Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’  Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’" 
       - Matthew 7:22-23

Jesus said He only ever does and says what He sees His Father doing.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.  We got a really intense talk this morning from Frank(he's our speaker this week).  He talked about how we can live the most righteous life, and do all these amazing things, but when it gets to the end God will saw what He says in the above verse.

We can do fantastic things in the spirit and be all crazy, but it is MEANINGLESS if we're not doing it because we believe it is God's heart.  God may only have two things He wants you to ever do, and the rest of the time is just to enjoy the blessing of life that He has given you, and enjoy it in a Godly way!  God doesn't want good works, He wants your true heart and your true love and your true relationship through Jesus Christ.

It's actually easier than striving for righteousness.  All it takes is spending time with God, and He rubs off on you naturally, and you'll find yourself doing things and having attitudes you wouldn't expect yourself to have!  I have experienced this first hand and witnessed it first hand.  It makes perfect sense too: you hang out with drugees you will develop the same attitudes and habits as them as well.

Frank then talked about the creation story of lucifer and him being the most beautiful angel God ever created and the fall of man and such.  It tied in with all this, I just can't remember exactly how...oops.

We then had the man who runs the, "John schools" in Toronto come and speak.  Funnily enough, his name is John Fenn.  

John was once himself a buyer, and because of this lost a 25 year marriage and lost relationship with his two daughters for just over a year.  He was also an alcoholic, gambler, drug addict, etc.  Long story short, he is a christian man who helps run the most successful operation in the anti-sex trade.  

Basically, men who are convicted of buying sex spend a day with him and several speakers on the truths of the sex trade, and only 2% of the men who go to this ever go back to buying sex.  It was a crazy awesome talk, and really encouraging to hear so many hopeful stories.

Catch you all tomorrow.

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