Sunday 6 November 2011

Week END

Hello folks!  Sorry I missed yesterday's post, but it turned out to be a very busy--and very fun--night. 

Rebekah came for a visit!  Josiah dropped her off around 3 in the after-noon, and I can only stand by a statement made in a previous post: you never realize how much you mis someone until you actually get to see them again.  It was absolutely lovely seeing Rebekah, and it was absolutely wonderful spending time with her even if it was only barely twenty-four hours.

About an hour after Rebekah arrived we went to help out at the soup kitchen run out of the same church we have class in.  It was amazing.  All we had to do was help set up, and then we just had to spread out and spend time with the people at the soup kitchen.  I had some of the most lovely conversations I've had in a very long time.  Seriously, people who aren't well off are way more pleasant and easy to talk to then people who are, "financially safe".

I remember as I was talking to one lady in particular--her name was Gracie--she was telling me a story about the church she attends and how they do their annual fall cleaning, and suddenly I could feel God saying, "This is my beloved child, I delight in her".  It repeated itself through my head for the rest of the night.  Then several hours later everyone was hanging out in our apartment listening to worship music/hanging out, and I closed my eyes and I could see Jesus' face--He was smiling.  He said simply, "What you have done for the least of these, so you have done for me."

Finally, we watched Tron--the new one.  I actually thought it was a huge metaphor for the bible.  The main character--played by Jeff Bridges--makes a huge video game world in which you can actually enter, and the programs essentially have minds of their own.  Whenever the creator enters the game, a light appears at the top of the tallest tower of the city, as that is the location of the portal into the game.  The characters talk about the light being a signal of hope because they know their creator is amongst them.  Whenever the creator enters the room, the aura shifts, and everyone knows it. 

The creator creates a clone of himself to run the place whenever he leaves to be in the real world, and over time this clone becomes conceited and sees himself as better than his creator(satan).  There's all kinds of other metaphors, but I won't get into them right now.  Just watch the movie.

It was a fantastic night last night, and today was just as good.  Rebekah and I went out for lunch at some vintage fish and chips diner--delicious, and went for an extremely pleasant walk.  We finished the day off by watching flushed away until Josiah showed up to take Rebekah home. 

And now here I sit, in full realization of how much I miss that wonderful girl, and looking very forward to February.

But at the same time, I'm so excited for everything else that's gonna be happening in between.

Catch you all tomorrow.

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