Monday 28 November 2011

Philosophy is Pointless

I really hate philosophy.  It's a lot of discussion that leads to nowhere.

It's good to discuss things, but there's a point where the discussion should lead to action.  We had a guy from the music industry come in today and talk about working for MTV as a music score-er for movies and commercials.  He talked a lot about luck, so off the bat I didn't really appreciate his viewpoint, and it only got worse as he appeared to be more and more immature in his beliefs and views.

He presented a lot of philosophical situations and, "what would you do?" situations about working in the media industry.  And to me a lot of them were no-brainers, but he kept factoring in these sort of questions, "Well yea, but if you say no to something you don't agree with you just look like one of those crazy christians that nobody likes, and plus you lose your job!"

1. He's clearly never been involved with YWAM
2. Is your job and need to survive bigger than God?
3. Be in the world, not of the world

I dunno, it just felt like a very vain couple of hours, and I said very little to add to the discussion as I just didn't feel right contributing to it.  I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

Catch you all tomorrow.

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