Friday 21 October 2011

Aching, Breaking Heart

I am so excited for this weekend.

Our speaker for the weekend is a guy named Jeff Pratt.  For some reason the name sounded familiar to me but I haven't bothered to look it up yet so let me know if you've heard of him for some reason!

Jeff isn't really gonna speak this weekend.  He's going to guide us on a journey of understanding and exercising the spiritual disciplines for one reason: to become fully aware of God's presence as often as we possibly can.

Jeff showed us a clip from a movie when a father is overseas at war talking to his 8 month old baby on the phone.  He hasn't even met his baby yet, and he just talks to her softly and says hello and tells her about his day, and suddenly his baby daughter says, "dada" and he breaks down.  God's heart aches and breaks to be noticed and acknowledged by us.  It means more than anything to Him when we have those incredible moments of intimacy with Him.

That pretty much sums up what we talked about, obviously more in depth with more notes and such, but I'm just really excited to see what this weekend is going to bring and about the new levels of intimacy I'm going to experience with the one and only awesome God :). 

I'll make sure to keep you all updated as the journey progresses.  Catch you tomorrow :)

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