Sunday 23 October 2011


Today was pretty awesome.  Our task was extremely simple.  Go and spend time with Jesus for just over an hour.  Sort of like yesterday, but this time we didn't really have anything in specific we were supposed to be doing, other than enjoying God's presence.

We read Psalm 139(I think that's the one) and then were sent to the park.  It was awesome.  I didn't read my bible searching for answers, I didn't ramble on to God about how I'm sorry for being dumb most of the time, and I didn't really talk at all.  I just sat with Jesus by a pond and enjoyed the quiet time together.  We chuckled at the odd thing, like a goose tipping over in the water for food after it watched a duck do it(I have never seen a goose do that) or a goose honking and cocking its head at its own honk. 

That was pretty much how it went.  Just some quality time with a very good friend.  It was extremely relaxing and calming.  Then we spent the afternoon telling each other things that we found encouraging about each other, and then Jeff did this thing where he would point to someone and get everyone to say words they thought of when they thought of that person.  I wrote down the ones people said about me(they were very confirming by the way). 

-Bright Smile
-Contagious/Infectious Smile

Jeff said that if these are things that people agree I am like, then I should stop trying to be other things, and focus on my strengths.  Kevin told me that he thought it was ironic that my name means laughter and that I am such a happy and friendly person.  It brings joy to my heart to know that I bring joy to the hearts of others.  God made me this way, and I love Him for it.

Seriously, I get teary-eyed thinking about it.  People love having me around because I bring a light-heartedness and happiness with me!  I don't even try!  It's hard to explain the emotions I'm going through thinking about this, but just know I'm extremely thankful and joyful.

Tomorrow's a lovely, well-deserved day off.  We're not doing much other than planning on watching Lord of the Rings, so I'm gonna go do something before we start that.  See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. My name means supplanter, so I do my best not to live up to it :P
