Thursday 27 October 2011


It's always hilarious talking about relationships.  There was a great deal discussed today about relationships between people of the opposite sex, and pretty much all of it I agreed with, so there's no real new revelations or super interesting thoughts to share.

The only thing about today that I thought was interesting was the following quote: "Love is friendship caught on fire".

Obviously there was more that we discussed and some things that I wrote down, but again it was sort of a review of much that I already know.  Please keep in mind I am not saying that in a proud and, "I am superior in knowledge way".  I actually found it refreshing.

We then spent about an hour organizing into groups who are going to be helping at the local soup kitchen, groups who will be going out in vans on Thursdays to feed the homeless, and groups who will be simply walking downtown to talk to homeless people--not preaching to them mind you.  Simply being a friend to those who are considered, "unfriend-able". 

I'm on dinner duty today, so I'll catch you all tomorrow :)

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