Thursday 6 October 2011


"Don't put your hope in YWAM, put your hope in God."  Those are more or less the words a friend of mine here at YWAM gave to me today.

We had intercession for an hour and a half today.  For those of you who don't know, intercession is prayer on behalf of others.  So for example, praying for someone who has some sort of illness or is experiencing some sort of difficulty, or even just praying for a person in general.  Today our theme for intercession was praying for each other as individuals.  One of our leaders threw our names in a hat, and everyone drew a name.  The person you drew was the person you were to pray for/about. 

A lot of people were given verses to give to others.  I also was given verses to give to the person I chose, and I don't even know if they were super relevant to him because I didn't really read them.  I obviously checked to make sure those verses existed(a couple didn't), but I trusted that if God gave me verses for this person, that they would work.  After giving him the verses I checked them myself and to be honest...I kind of wonder whether it was just my own imagination or not.  But at the same time I trust that God was involved in that situation and that the person who the verses were given to were what they needed/need at this time.  It's a weird, contradictory faith thing.

Let's get back to what was given to me(I mean this in the most unselfish way possible).  I was not given a verse, but a very simple message, which you read above.  This had a huge impact on me.  Since I have gotten here--and even in the weeks leading up to YWAM--I have been so excited to see what God is going to do while I'm here.  And don't get me wrong, I don't think there's anything wrong with that excitement!  But it got to the point where the focus was taken off of God, and placed onto YWAM itself and see what YWAM can do for me--not God. 

God is the only one I should be placing my trust in.  Not a program created by humans with a human bias.  This may seem like a very simple and, "duh" sort of fact or revelation for you, but I needed to hear this big time. 

So I sit today with a very refreshed perspective, and feeling peace about a lot of things that have been causing turmoil in my mind. 

Now to switch to a less serious note.  I almost didn't create a blog post for today because of the overly-exciting Toronto-Montreal game.  Dan, if you're reading this... :).  I'm excited about this hockey season, especially as I'm part of a fantasy hockey league so I'm very excited to see how this goes. 

That's all. 

1 comment:

  1. To give you another perspective on what happens when we pray and for that matter have thoughts with specific intentions, watch the documentary "Water - Great Mystery"
    You'll find out what water and prayer have in common.
    I hope this will expand your sphere of knowledge of God and yourself.
