Wednesday 12 October 2011

If you have a list of people you wouldn't like to see walk through the door right now, then the odds are you have a list of people you need to forgive.

Mike spent the entire morning talking about God as a forgiving father.  He pointed out the fact that God doesn't say He'll forget our sins.  He says He won't remember them.  Ever.  To say you'll forget something is inferring you may remember it some day, to say you won't remember it is to make it completely absolute.  God won't remember your sins.  Period.

Mike then referred us to the parable in which a servant is forgiven a million dollar debt(making it relatable...saying 10,000 talents is not relatable) and then goes and beats up a fellow servant for a 50 cent debt(again, making it relatable).  Mike went on to explain to us the importance of forgiveness because if we do not forgive, how terribly hypocritical does that make us? 

He didn't say it was easy to forgive.  He also said time doesn't heal hurts.  People will tell you that just letting something go and never resolving it or getting closure will heal with time, but all it does is sit in a locked box and fester like a moldy sandwich.  As soon as that hurt has an opportunity to present itself, it appears more ferociously than ever before.  That is why forgiveness is important.

I don't think I do our talks much justice.  My summaries are small and impotent compared to the 4 hours we spend every morning discussing these topics.  Oh well.

We went rock climbing last night, which cost 38 dollars and simultaneously used up the rest of my money to be spent in Canada.  It was well worth the cost though.  I also got five hours of sleep, but didn't at all feel tired this morning. 

After talking about forgiveness this morning, we watched, "A Beautiful Mind" and discussed the movie's message concerning love. 

I feel like I'm rushing this post.  That's because I have to write a book report right now.  So I'll see you all tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I watched "A Beautiful Mind" last weekend with mom. I was a very good movie.
    I actually thought for a while that his involvement with the Secret Service (CIA) was real :O until half way through the movie it became clear to me that he was schizophrenic.

    Certainly his wife was a powerful example of love.
