Friday 28 October 2011


So I sat down to write about what we talked about today, but I'm completely drawing a blank.

I know it was nice, and the speaker was great as usual, but I don't remember anything significant coming out of today's discussion.  So I guess I'll tell you about what I just finished doing.

On my way back to the apartment after class, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful it was outside.  I remember saying yesterday, "God, if it's a beautiful day tomorrow, I'm getting my rollerblades out." so I did just that. 

First I went to the local skate park, and quickly realized that it isn't really a very fun skate park.  I was ther for maybe 15 minutes.  I then proceeded to skate some of the local walking/biking/skating trails.  That was wonderful.  I had switchfoot's new vice verses album blaring in my ears, and I simply felt on top of the world, especially as I skated to the end of a fairly long pier close to the hotel.  There wasn't really anyone out tonight, save for the odd couple cuddling on a bench, and so I just felt extremely free as the wind whipped through my hair and musical magic floated through my mind.

I didn't have any spiritual revelations, and I didn't have any crazy God encounters.  I just enjoyed the freedom I have been blessed with.  I did sit down and try and quiet myself to spend some time with God, but I almost instantly felt Him say, "Are you enjoying yourself?".  My obvious response was yes. "Then keep skating!".  So I did.

It's going to be a lovely weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, even things that don't seem to be spiritual are still an experience that have purpose.
    If something makes you feel carefree and is enjoyable to you it refreshes you and revitalizes you. So do it often so you can be ready to serve others. Since God is omnipresent, (including present in you), God in a mysterious way is also refreshed and you cause God's life-giving force to grow in you. (There's a reason why it's called "recreation" ;)
