Monday 17 October 2011

Hearing God's Voice

God is rarely silent.  We are just usually unable to hear Him.

Today we had a man come in who spoke to us about hearing God's voice.  It was awesome.  We went over the many many different ways God can speak to us, and how we are to take those things.  We discussed validating words from God, and the almost immediately obvious answer is to cross-reference it with scripture--and that's pretty much the only way you can check. 

One thing that he said that was very confirming/helpful for me is that the enemy can trick you in a lot of ways and try and make you think that you're hearing God's voice, but one thing the enemy can NEVER do is create a false sense of peace.  The enemy doesn't know peace, which is why they are always assaulting humanity and trying to rip the peace of Christ out of our grasp.  God/Jesus Christ is the only one who can ever and will ever give us the truest sensation of peace we will ever know(Philippians 4:7).  There is no greater peace than the peace of Christ, and if we experience the peace of Christ, then we know God has spoken/is speaking to us.  No question.

We then did this awesome exercise where he wrote down all our names on pieces of paper, folded them, and distributed them among us.  We were not allowed to look at the name on the sheet of paper.  He then gave us a couple minutes to get into a quiet place to allow God to speak to us and tell us what He wanted to say to whoever was on the other side of the sheet.  I don't really remember what I wrote, but I just wrote the first things that came to my head. 

He then took the pieces of paper and gave them back to the people whose names occupied the paper.  People were in tears.  I don't know how someone can go about trying to disprove God after going through/witnessing the way God spoke to people today.  Someone had some history with trains in relation to sex trafficking, and the person who had their sheet--not knowing anything about his history or whose name was on that sheet in the first place--just wrote, "get on the train" with a scripture verse beside it.  Turns out the person who wrote that couldn't stop thinking about trains when they were trying to hear from God, so they wrote that, feeling stupid about it. 

But it was exactly what God wanted to say!!

There are several other awesome things that happened through that, but I don't have time to tell you about them on here(don't be afraid to ask when we next meet in person). 

Tonight we're leaving for Greenhaven to do some mission work and farm work, and I'm supposed to be helping film a commercial for the farm.  We're gonna be there for two days so I don't know if I'll be able to post over these couple days.  I'll definitely keep my journal going though, and you can all expect to hear from me come Thursday!

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