Tuesday 4 October 2011


I think I can quite confidently say that I have never seen someone successfully operate a projector on their first try.  Ever.

We had two speakers today.  One of them was the same guy from yesterday--he's here all week--and the other was someone who was a student at this DTS when it first started in 2006.  He had no idea what he wanted to do and actually just took it as a scapegoat to avoid going to school for another year.  He hated movies.  To him, movies were a colossal waste of time--which if argued properly they can most certainly be seen as that way...all one has to do is point at every American comedy made in the past two decades and their point is proven--but by the time he was done his DTS he had a huge passion for film-making.  He worked in construction for a year to save for school and then ended up going to Sheridan for Media Arts. 

The following couple of years have been huge for him.  He has worked on multiple films and tv shows and documentaries and actually has a few things on the go right now.  The big part for him has been defining the line.  What jobs do you take and not take according to your belief?  For me the struggle has always been, "Is making a movie about such and such a topic really glorifying to God?" and his viewpoint is that no matter what your film is about, human beings work on that film set and they will watch you as you shine in your relationship with Jesus.  Obviously, he's not going to take a job that involves random murdering and senseless sex and violence, but in whatever he does, he has opportunities to befriend people and share the gospel in some form or another. 

Even if it's just day to day life, God provides him with opportunities to minister to others.  And that was a very confirming lecture for me, because it opened my eyes and snuffed out any doubts I had about getting into the film industry.  I now know for sure that that is what I want to do.  God may completely change my mind over the course of this DTS, but right now I know what my passion is, and I know I want to use it to the glory of God.

We have small group now, so I shall talk to you all tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. You have clearly developed a passion for film and having some signs of confirmation helps to cement that path for you.

    As I have said before (if you recall), follow your passion. God's Spirit within you will then have a clearly defined path to grow and express itself. That is a tried and true path for spiritual growth. Your passion will mature as you gain knowledge and experience and as you continue to seek and learn God's character, the greater reality that wants to grow in you and through you.
