Friday 14 October 2011

Jesus Take the Whee-e-eell....

Today was the last day Mike spoke, and he talked about God being a father who has a plan for us.  To be honest, it wasn't much new for me, other than the odd phrase I wrote down.  He talked about God's plan for our life being like a great, big, empty highway. 

You can drive on the left of the highway, or you can drive on the right, or you can drive in the middle, or maybe even zig zag your way along that highway.  As long as you're still moving forward. 

This is Mike's metaphor for people who are trying to get direction from God in their life.  God wants us to ultimately make a decision, but He trusts that we'll talk to Him about it first, and make our decision based on where our heart truly leads us.  God might not think our decision is the best one we could have made, but as long as every decision we make is with our heart in the right place, then that is all that matters. 

Think about Adam naming all the animals.  God never told Adam, "That's a stupid name for an animal".  He handed the reigns COMPLETELY over to Adam.  Mike told this story about how he imagined Adam came up with the name for the elephant, and it was basically about Adam telling God he couldn't come up with a name because it was such an odd animal.  Then the next day Adam comes to God with the name, "elephant" because he thinks a silly animal deserves a silly name.  God says with a smirk, "yea that is a pretty silly name, Adam" and they go from smirking at each other to rolling around in the grass laughing.  That's how God wants His relationship to be with us.

God longs intimacy from us, and He doesn't want us to come to Him just asking for an answer.  Yes, sometimes He does have an answer for us and wants us to ask, but do you only go to your best friends when you want things from them?  Don't you just talk to them about stuff sometimes?  Talk to God about your decisions!  Talk to Him about your life!  He's interested!  He cares!  And for those of you who are dating or married, you know that sometimes it's just nice to sit in silence with your loved one. 

Considering the fact that God loves you and me more than anyone else ever could, don't you think He'd just like to spend some quality time with you?  Prayer doesn't always have to involve a verbal exchange.  Sometimes it's just peaceful silence with God.

Anyway, I've got a Friday night to enjoy.  See you all tomorrow :)

1 comment:

  1. yes, peaceful silence with God can bring growth and intimacy with God.
    Scripture mentions meditation 18 times.
    Mal 3:16 , Phl 4:8
