Thursday 13 October 2011


I feel like I'm getting more out of my experience here when we're NOT in class. 

Last night there was a wicked storm coming off the lake.  I went out on the balcony to pray, and I looked out over the lake to see massive whitecaps/waves, and the trees right along the shore were almost touching the ground.  The instant I saw that, I felt God telling me to go walk along the shore.  So I did, and about half of my fellow students joined me for an 11 PM walk along the shore of Lake Ontario during a fierce rainstorm. 

It was awesome.  We find a fairly high rock wall that the waves were smashing against consistently, and sang worship songs at the top of our lungs, jumping up and down and feeling completely--and literally--soaked by God's presence.  God not only demonstrated his immense power during that hour--we had to lean into the wind to keep from falling over--but He also reminded us all that He enjoys having fun just as much as any human.  He did, after all, create fun.

The entire lower half of my body was sopping wet when we got back to our apartment, but I was not cold in the slightest.  We were being sprayed by freezing cold water, but I never for an instant felt cold.  Yet another reason why God is so awesome!

Then I went to class this morning, and felt utterly bored.  I still enjoyed it, and genuinely listened/soaked in what Mike was talking about, but I just felt bored with talking about God.  Enough talking about God, I want to experience God!

I know we're going to experience God big time, and I know it's going to be awesome, but I'm just getting antsy--and we don't go on outreach until December 5th.  God'll give me the patience to make it there, I just need to remember He's working amongst all this. 

Catch you all tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of the time I hiked high into the Rocky Mountains in Kananaskis Country, south-west of Calgary. (That was during my college days)
    I was standing at the edge of a 2000 ft cliff looking down into the valley below. It was breath taking and awe inspiring.
